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Did you miss your last mammogram?

| Women’s Health | Healthy You

Mammogram appointment noted in personal calendar

Experts say, don’t delay. Schedule your mammogram soon.

Does screening for breast cancer really work?

Yes. Mammograms save lives, as proven by decades of research. And getting them regularly can catch signs of breast cancer early, when it's most treatable.

“Delays in screening leads to the diagnosis of breast cancer at a later stage,” says Sandra Smith, MD, a breast cancer surgeon with PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center in Vancouver, Washington.

A delay in diagnosis can lead to cancer that's more complicated or serious to treat.

No time like the present

If you missed your last mammogram, schedule an exam soon. When you reach out to your doctor's office, keep the following in mind:

  • Plan for your mammogram to occur the week after a menstrual period. This will make the exam a little less uncomfortable since breasts can feel more tender the week before or during menstruation.
  • Your mammogram appointment should take only 30 minutes from start to finish. It’s a worthwhile investment of your time to check the health of your breasts.

“We strongly encourage you to take breast health screening seriously,” says Dr. Smith, “Get your mammogram. It does save lives and improve overall outcomes.”