Put your sunscreen knowledge to the test
| Wellness
Sunscreen should be worn by almost everyone.
There are some common misconceptions about sunscreen. Take this quick quiz to test your knowledge.
True or false — Sunscreen isn’t waterproof or sweatproof.
True. When swimming or sweating try to reapply sunscreen about every two hours or according to package directions.
True or false — Infants shouldn’t wear sunscreen.
True. Your infant’s skin is sensitive. Babies under 6 months old should be shielded from the sun with a shade or stay out of it entirely. Check with your pediatrician for babies 6 months and older for their sunscreen recommendation.
Multiple choice - What is the minimum sun protection factor (SPF) your sunscreen should have, SPF 15, SPF 30, SPF 40 or SPF 50?
SPF 30, because it blocks 97% of the sun’s rays.
True or false — People with darker complexions do not need to wear sunscreen.
False. Even if you don’t develop a sunburn, skin can be damaged over time from the sun.
True or false – Sunscreen is the only sun protection needed.
False. Seek shade when possible, wear sun-safe clothing, a wide-brimmed hat and 100% UV-blocking sunglasses.
True or false – You don’t need to replace sunscreen if the bottle is not empty.
False. Follow the expiration date on the packaging or replace it every 3 years.