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Q&A: Pregnancy & emotions

| Healthy You | Women’s Health

Pregnant woman holds her belly and smiles

My baby is due soon, and I feel like I’m on an emotional roller coaster. What’s wrong?

Don’t worry—that’s normal. Your months of waiting to meet your baby are nearly over. And whether you’re a first-time mom or an experienced parent, you know there are challenges ahead.

Preparing for the big day

One way to ease anxiety about childbirth is to learn more about it. Our childbirth education classes can teach you the basics of labor and delivery as well as introduce you to other parents-to-be.

We also invite expectant parents to tour our birthing facilities. During your tour, feel free to ask the staff any questions you have.

Ask your doctor how you’ll know when it’s time to go to the hospital. Signs of labor can vary, but these are some signs that it has begun:

  • Strong, regular contractions
  • Back pain
  • An increase in vaginal discharge
  • A trickling or gush of fluid (your water breaking)
portrait of Saeyeal K. Lee MD

Saeyeal K. Lee MD

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Saeyeal K. Lee MD practices Obstetrics & Gynecology in Longview.