Why and how to keep your hands clean
| Wellness | Healthy You

Seven facts about handwashing plus a fun way to practice this essential habit
You’ve likely heard it your whole life, and if you’re a parent, you probably say it a lot: “Wash your hands.”
It may seem like a small request, but it is a critical one, particularly during cold and flu season, picnics, summer fairs and everyday activities.
“Handwashing is one of the most important things we can all do to stay healthy,” says Catherine Kroll, director of infection prevention at PeaceHealth. Throughout the day, all of us unknowingly pick up microbes — bacteria and germs — that can make us sick. Then without noticing, we use those same seemingly innocent (but germ-laden) hands to rub our eyes or wipe our mouth, then bingo…the bugs have their chance to sneak in and cause problems.
Fortunately, you can beat at least some of the bugs with these seven tips:
1. Wash with soap and water:
- Before, during or after cooking and/or eating.
- After using the toilet or changing a diaper.
- After touching animals and pet toys, and after cleaning up their “business.”
- After touching garbage.
- Before and after caring for someone who is sick.
- Before and after treating a cut or wound.
- After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing.
“Given that most of us eat and use the restroom a few times a day, we can expect to typically wash our hands at least six or seven times a day,” Kroll says. If you have young children, double that. And if you work or volunteer in healthcare, food service, daycare, schools or related industries, multiply that 10 or 20 times.
2. Extra advice for keeping kids' hands clean.
Diaper changes, multiple meals or snack times, and the challenge of keeping kids from putting things in their mouths, it’s no wonder little ones get sick more often.
Plus, washing tiny hands can be tricky. Try the following tips to help your little ones understand and remember this bug-busting lesson:
- Sing handwashing songs like happy birthday or “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”
- Draw and color pictures of germs.
- Tell stories or read books about washing and germs.
3. Use regular soap and warm (not hot) water.
“Antibacterial soap is no better than any other soaps. And bar soap is just as good as liquid,” says Kroll. But using soap does matter, “Water by itself is not as effective at cleaning.”
Finding the appropriate water temperature can be tricky. Hot water that’s comfortable enough to wash in still isn’t hot enough to kill the germs. Plus, it dries out your skin.
Warm soapy water is more effective than cold soapy water at removing the natural oils that hold the bacteria and soil on our hands.
4. Dry hands well after washing.
Why? “Germs pass more easily from wet skin than from dry, so it’s important to dry well,” says Kroll.
In public restrooms, look for paper towels or rapid dryers that don’t require hand rubbing. When you rub your hands together under an electric dryer, it can bring bacteria that live within the skin to the surface. If rapid dryers are not available, paper towels are an OK option.
Some bacteria can stay on hands even after washing, and it can spread to cloth towels during the drying step. To avoid this, make sure your hands are washed with soap and warm water for 20 seconds and thoroughly rinsed before you dry them.
Cloth towels should be changed daily since they can hold onto germs wiped from your hands.
5. Practice “hands-off” habits.
Experts say that, on average, each of us touches some part of our face about 25 times per hour. Per hour! It’s so easy to do without thinking.
Remind yourself periodically to keep your hands clear of your face. When you need to wipe your eyes or rub your nose, grab a tissue first.
If you feel a cough or sneeze coming on, try aiming it into your upper arm or the crook of your elbow instead of at your hands.
“Years ago, people were told to cover their coughs or sneezes with their hands. That practice actually spread more germs. Coughing or sneezing directly into a hand then touching food, money or other people is clearly a recipe for contagion,” says Kroll.
6. Remember to clean your cell phone, TV remote, etc., regularly.
Few of us want to think about all the germs that can be found on items that our households touch many times a day — with hands that are sometimes clean and sometimes not-so-clean. Think: fridge or other door handles, faucets, keys, purse, etc.
Schedule time regularly to sanitize those high-touch items in your home or workspace. Choose the type of disinfectant or cleaner that best fits your home and health needs.
7. Keeping your hands clean when out and about.
When you’re out in public, carry hand sanitizer or wipes to use when you can’t wash with water. If a store offers towelettes at the entrance, use one to wipe down your cart handle.
And stash a pack of wipes and/or a bottle of sanitizer in your vehicle or diaper bag to use in between soap-and-water washes. Think: gas pumps, grocery cart handles, keypad buttons at store checkouts, money, stair rails and so on. Be sure the hand sanitizer has at least 60% alcohol.
While the advice to keep our hands clean has been handed down for generations, it is proven to help people stay healthier. And that will never get old.