Same Day Care at PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center
The Same Day Care clinic in Ketchikan is open.
- Appointments may only be scheduled on the day of the appointment.
- Please use the second floor clinic entrance (shared with Primary Care and Women's Clinic).
Accessing Same Day Care
Same day care is a perfect option when you need immediate care but can't get in to see your regular doctor or if it's after-hours at your primary care office.
Patients are encouraged to make an appointment on the day they seek care. Phones open at 8:00 a.m. Walk-ins will be scheduled into the next available appointment.
The Same Day Care clinic is open to all patients ages three months and older. We will stabilize and transport to the emergency department for any life-threatening or serious situations that present.
Symptoms we treat:
- Lacerations, cuts, and abrasions
- Fractures & sprains (no obvious deformities)
- Minor burns
- Minor eye injuries
- Suture, staple removal (nonsurgical wounds)
Respiratory and Sinus
- Cough, sore throat & congestion
- Ear, sinus pain
- Fever
Gastrointestinal & Urinary
- Nausea, vomiting, minor stomach pain
- Diarrhea, constipation
- Painful urination, increased frequency
- Skin infections
- Boils, cysts, abscesses
- Rashes, irritation, insect bites
- Minor gynecological problems
- Headaches, migraines
- Non-chronic back or neck aches
- Workers’ compensation for minor injuries
- STI/STD treatment
- Non-narcotic medication refill for basic medication
Symptoms we usually refer to the emergency room:
- Assault or abuse treatment
- Drug withdrawal or overdose
- Head injury, loss of consciousness
- Ingestion of substances
- Mental health crisis
- Pregnancy-related issues
- Severe headache, sudden onset Seizures
- Severe abdominal pain
- Severe burns
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
- Sudden dizziness, loss of balance, numbness/ weakness in arm/leg, difficulty speaking
- Sudden vision loss, severe injury to eye
- Large or deep cuts/wounds
- Obvious or extremely painful fracture or dislocation
- Vomiting blood and/or black/tarry bowel movement
Symptoms we usually refer for PCP/Specialist:
- Chronic/ongoing conditions
- Workers’ compensation claims follow-up care
- Cast removal
- Follow-up care if indicated
Our Services
Our Team
This clinic is licensed as part of PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center. You may receive a separate charge or billing for facility fees in addition to any professional fees for services, which may result in a higher out-of-pocket expense.
My PeaceHealth Patient Portal
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- Request prescription refills
- Access your test results
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