Look ... I don't smoke, I'm a runner, and I'm kind of a fanatic about eating healthy.
But my blood pressure keeps getting higher.
Not much more I can do except start taking blood pressure pills.
Yeah, I'm kind of bummed about that, but I sure don't want to take any chances with my health.
My blood pressure's going up, but not so high that I have to take pills right now.
So I've started eating better and getting regular exercise, and I'm going to keep that up for a while and see if my pressure comes down.
My doctor thinks I might be able to get my blood pressure down by losing weight.
And I'm sure gonna give that a try.
But I need to feel like I'm doing everything I can to stay healthy, so I'm also going to start taking pills.
I'm not ready to deal with medicine side effects ...
like my mom did when she first started taking her blood pressure pills.
My doctor says it's okay to wait 3 more months to try and lose a little weight.
If my blood pressure's still high then, I'll start taking the pills.
Like the people you've just heard from, you have your own feelings about the pros and cons of taking blood pressure medicine.
It's important to share those feelings with your doctor, so that the two of you can talk them over ...
combine them with the medical facts ...
and choose the best treatment for you.