Statement from PeaceHealth and the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
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It has been troubling and distressing to see the events unfold across the country in recent days. We grieve with all who have been impacted by these tragic and heartbreaking events. Read a message from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace, our founding organization. PeaceHealth answers their call to stand in solidarity.
Beloved PeaceHealth Caregivers,
You are entrusted with the fulfillment of the PeaceHealth Mission. This shared purpose drives all that you are and all that you do at PeaceHealth. This unifying strength comes from the common belief that all people are inherently valuable and the unyielding commitment to dignity and justice for all.
The PeaceHealth Values – Respect, Stewardship, Collaboration and Social Justice – call on each of you to raise your collective voices at a time when the world is struggling through a global pandemic that is exposing vast disparities in healthcare, food access, economic security and social stability.
The PeaceHealth Mission and Values also call on you to express your collective heartache and disappointment over the senseless acts of violence and intolerance witnessed across the nation over the last several weeks.
PeaceHealth models its care and culture on the healing ministry of Jesus: compassionate, inclusive, a servant of the poor and a seeker of justice. As a community, we have a moral responsibility to advocate on behalf of those who are poor, vulnerable or powerless; give voice to the thousands of individuals and communities who struggle to meet basic needs and to exercise the freedoms so many take for granted.
We recognize that the social injustices we are witnessing are felt collectively and individually – and no one should have to bear such burdens alone. We call on you to join in solidarity with our Black, Brown and Asian communities to stand against injustice. Racism, xenophobia and discrimination have no place in our society, and certainly no place at PeaceHealth.
Peace and blessings,
Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace