FLORENCE, Ore. – PeaceHealth Peace Harbor Medical Center and Western Lane Fire & EMS will host the “Every 15 Minutes” program at Siuslaw High School on October 9 and 10, 2024.
“Every 15 Minutes” is a two-day national underage impaired driving prevention program that creates real-life scenarios with students as actors, first responders, and representations of the consequences of driving under the influence.
The program encourages teens to think before drinking or using substances and to avoid operating any type of motor vehicle or riding with someone who has been drinking or using substances or driving while distracted. It also highlights the impact of these decisions on family, friends, and those left behind when someone is killed in an alcohol, substance, or distracted driving crash.
Scheduled activities include student education and awareness, a mock crash scene, and a school-wide assembly featuring a guest speaker. The mock crash scene will involve fire, ambulance, and air ambulance responses, simulating a real scenario.
Following the program on October 11 -- beginning at 1 p.m. -- free training in CPR, First Aid, and Stop the Bleed will be offered at Siuslaw High School to anyone interested in learning these life-saving skills.