Don't let misconceptions stop you from a colonscopy. It could save your life.
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Your body's "plumbing" needs regular attention. Work with your doctor to keep it in good working order.
Colon cancer can be a touchy subject. A lot of people have misconceptions and are put off by what doctors must do to pinpoint and treat those suffering from the disease.
According to Dr. Steve Ho, a PeaceHealth gastroenterologist in Bellingham, Washington, colonoscopies play an important role in maintaining a healthy “GI” (gastrointestinal) tract.
“Since I was young, I’d always wanted to be a physician, but wasn’t sure exactly which field until I was in medical school,” Dr. Ho says. “It was in medical school that I realized how interesting, exciting and unique gastroenterology and endoscopy were.”
More than just intestines
Gastroenterology involves the study of multiple organs and, contrary to popular belief, not just the intestines. Gastroenterologists study the esophagus, stomach, rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and liver, in addition to the colon and small intestine.
The main job of a gastroenterologist is to help patients manage, combat and cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Gastroenterologists use an endoscope to look inside the body, most commonly during a colonoscopy.
According to Dr. Ho, many people have misconceptions about colonoscopies and what exactly gastroenterologists do. As he ponders these misconceptions, he can’t help but laugh. “The average person thinks all we do in our field is deal with poo – but that couldn’t be further from the truth.”
Clear way to see colon health
In reality, before Dr. Ho and his colleagues perform endoscopies, the colon must be clean. Patients go on a regimen to encourage good bowel movements and clean out the area. This way the medical team can clearly see and effectively search for polyps and detect signs of colon cancer.
The presence of polyps can indicate a higher risk for colon cancer. For people who don’t have a history of colon cancer in their family, doctors recommend they get a colon check when they turn 50. If you happen have a family history of colon cancer, you should get screened earlier.
“It’s always important that people get their recommended screenings,” says Dr. Ho. “I think now is an especially good time.” You might hear more about it during March—national Colon Cancer Awareness Month—but you can get your screening at any time of the year.
Common and effective
It’s natural to be uncomfortable with the idea of a colonoscopy, but don’t let this deter you from getting checked for colon cancer. Although colonoscopies are the most common—and may be the most effective—way to check, gastroenterologists can use alternative methods to screen for colorectal cancer.
“Colon cancer is the most preventable form of cancer,” Dr. Ho says. “I strongly encourage people to get checked. If you get checked and we find polyps, we can remove them before they have the potential to become cancerous.”
The field of gastroenterology isn’t always so certain though. Many diseases of the GI tract have similar symptoms. It takes a thorough and careful examination to determine what exactly each individual patient is experiencing. This is why seeing a trained professional is so important.
Things to keep your GI tract healthy
Fortunately, there are many things people can do at home to keep their GI tract healthy and avoid GI tract disease. Dr. Ho recommends maintaining a healthy diet full of fiber, fruits, and vegetables. Cut processed foods from your diet and get plenty of exercise. A healthy diet and physical activity go hand in hand in maintaining optimal GI tract health.
“I like to tell my patients to think of their body as a house and to think of their GI tract as the plumbing,” Dr. Ho says. “In your house, you want to make sure everything is fixed, that everything is working—especially something as integral as the plumbing.”