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Boils (Homeopathy)

Remedy Options

Primary Remedies


This remedy is often indicated in early stages of inflammation, before much pus has formed. The area is red, hot, throbbing, and tender, often with intense or stabbing pains. Jarring or touch may increase discomfort. The person may also feel excitable or feverish.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum

This remedy is taken to speed up the collection of pus.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum

This remedy is taken once the boil is open to speed up drainage and healing.

Other Remedies

Arsenicum album

This remedy is useful for deeply infected boils with intensely burning pain and offensive discharge. Warmth and hot applications usually are soothing. The person may feel exhausted and ill, yet anxiety and discomfort also make them restless.

Calcarea sulphurica

This remedy relieves juvenile acne that tends to form boils.


This remedy is often helpful as a topical application for boils and infected sores. It can be used in herbal form or in low dilution as a tincture, ointment, or compress. Taken internally, Calendula can help the body overcome infection.

Echinacea angustifolia

This well-known herb is often used to help the immune system overcome infection. In homeopathic form, it sometimes helps a person with recurring boils. People who need this remedy typically feel sickly, lethargic, achy, and chilly.

Mercurius solubilis

This remedy is indicated when boils are very sensitive with advanced development of pus. The person may have moist or greasy-looking skin, with swollen lymph nodes and offensive breath, and be very sensitive to changes in temperature. Warmth may aggravate the pain.


This remedy relieves skin conditions that tend to suppurate easily and recur.

Tarentula cubensis

This remedy may be indicated when a boil is sore and swollen with stinging, burning pain, and purplish or bluish discoloration of surrounding tissues. A person who needs this remedy may also have restless feet and difficulty sleeping.


Homeopathy Dosage Directions

Select the medicine that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label.

Many homeopathic physicians suggest that medicines be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the medicine work. If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient. If no response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different medicine.

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