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Take charge of your health

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Practice these six habits to look and feel your best

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle may not be as hard as you think! It may feel sometimes as though we are overwhelmed with information daily about the latest diet, superfood or workout. A well-rounded lifestyle really comes down to the basics. Here are some easy tips to incorporate in your daily routine:

  1. Increase your daily activity: Everyone is busy, and it is difficult to make time to exercise. Making small changes in your routine can help. Try taking the stairs in your building a few times per day, parking far away from the entrance or stretching for 10 minutes every day.
  2. Develop healthy eating habits: Take the extra time to meal plan for the week and pack healthy snacks for your busy day. Carrots, hummus, yogurt, nuts, peanut butter, apples and bananas are great options that will help keep you full.
  3. Protect your skin: Wearing a daily sunscreen protects your skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays that lead to aging and sun damage. Daily SPF will help prevent skin cancer, sun spots and wrinkles… And it keeps your skin looking healthy!
  4. Stay hydrated: The average person should drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. This does not include coffee, soda or other beverages. Drinking enough water daily is beneficial for digestion, circulation, curbing hunger and keeping your skin supple.
  5. Sleep: According to the CDC, only one in three adults get the recommended minimum 7-9 hours of sleep. Proper sleep hygiene will not only help with getting a full night's’ rest; you will also feel more awake the next morning, be more likely to make healthy food choices and follow through with exercise.
  6. Practice mindfulness: The choices you made yesterday, last week or last year do not predetermine your choices today. Think of every moment as an opportunity. Take a few moments in the morning to set your intentions for the day and a few moments before bed to reflect.

Talk to your healthcare provider if you need help or have questions about any of these tips.