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Wild Cherry


Botanical names:
Prunus serotina

Parts Used & Where Grown

Although native to North America, wild cherry trees now grow in many other countries. The bark of the wild cherry tree is used for medicinal preparations.

What Are Star Ratings?

This supplement has been used in connection with the following health conditions:

Used for Why
1 Star
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Refer to label instructions
Wild cherry bark is used traditionally to promote mucus discharge.

Mullein is classified in the herbal literature as both an expectorant, to promote the discharge of mucus, and a demulcent, to soothe and protect mucous membranes. Historically, mullein has been used as a remedy for the respiratory tract, particularly in cases of irritating coughs with bronchial congestion. Other herbs commonly used as expectorants in traditional medicine include elecampane, lobelia, yerba santa (Eriodictyon californicum), bark, gumweed (Grindelia robusta),anise(Pimpinella anisum), and eucalyptus. Animal studies have suggested that some of these herbs increase discharge of mucus. However, none have been studied for efficacy in humans.

1 Star
Refer to label instructions
There is a long tradition of using wild cherry syrups to treat coughs.

The mucilage of slippery elm gives it a soothing effect for coughs. Usnea also contains mucilage, which may be helpful in easing irritating coughs. There is a long tradition of using syrups to treat coughs. Other traditional remedies to relieve coughs include bloodroot, catnip, comfrey (the above-ground parts, not the root), horehound, elecampane, mullein, lobelia, hyssop, licorice, mallow, (Malvia sylvestris),red clover, ivy leaf, pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides, Mentha pulegium),onion, (Allium cepa), and plantain (Plantago lanceolata, P. major). None of these has been investigated in human trials, so their true efficacy for relieving coughs is unknown.

Traditional Use (May Not Be Supported by Scientific Studies)

Wild cherry syrup has been used traditionally by herbalists to treat coughs and other lung problems. It has also been used to treat diarrhea and to relieve pain.1

How It Works

Botanical names:
Prunus serotina

How It Works

Wild cherry bark contains cyanogenic glycosides, particularly prunasin. These glycosides, once broken apart in the body, act to relieve choughs by quelling spasms in the smooth muscles lining bronchioles.2 Although wild cherry is a commonly used ingredient in cough syrups, there are no published clinical trials in humans to support its use for this indication.

How to Use It

Wild cherry tincture or syrup, 2–4 ml three to four times per day, is sometimes recommended for coughs.3


Botanical names:
Prunus serotina

Interactions with Supplements, Foods, & Other Compounds

At the time of writing, there were no well-known supplement or food interactions with this supplement.

Interactions with Medicines

As of the last update, we found no reported interactions between this supplement and medicines. It is possible that unknown interactions exist. If you take medication, always discuss the potential risks and benefits of adding a new supplement with your doctor or pharmacist.
The Drug-Nutrient Interactions table may not include every possible interaction. Taking medicines with meals, on an empty stomach, or with alcohol may influence their effects. For details, refer to the manufacturers’ package information as these are not covered in this table. If you take medications, always discuss the potential risks and benefits of adding a supplement with your doctor or pharmacist.

Side Effects

Botanical names:
Prunus serotina

Side Effects

At the time of writing, there were no well-known side effects caused by this supplement.


1. Leung AY, Foster S. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics, 2d ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996, 155-6.

2. Mills SY. Out of the Earth: The Essential Book of Herbal Medicine. Middlesex, UK: Viking Arkana, 1991, 314.

3. Wren RC. Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations. Essex, England: CW Daniel Company, 1975, 320.

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