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Botanical names:
Pimpinella anisum

Parts Used & Where Grown

The seeds of this aromatic plant are used as both medicine and as a cooking spice. Anise comes from Eurasia but is now grown in gardens all over the world.

What Are Star Ratings?

This supplement has been used in connection with the following health conditions:

Used for Why
1 Star
Breast-Feeding Support
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Anise has traditionally been used in some cultures to support breast-feeding, although no research has confirmed its effectiveness.

The safety of using during pregnancy and breast-feeding is unknown, though it is very likely safe and has traditionally been used to support breast-feeding in some cultures.

1 Star
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Expectorant herbs like anise help loosen bronchial secretions and make mucus easier to eliminate.

Expectorant herbs help loosen bronchial secretions and make elimination of mucus easier. Numerous herbs are traditionally considered expectorants, though most of these have not been proven to have this effect in clinical trials. contains a volatile oil that is high in the chemical constituent anethole and acts as an expectorant.

1 Star
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
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Anise is used traditionally to promote mucus discharge.

Mullein is classified in the herbal literature as both an expectorant, to promote the discharge of mucus, and a demulcent, to soothe and protect mucous membranes. Historically, mullein has been used as a remedy for the respiratory tract, particularly in cases of irritating coughs with bronchial congestion. Other herbs commonly used as expectorants in traditional medicine include elecampane, lobelia, yerba santa (Eriodictyon californicum),wild cherry bark, gumweed (Grindelia robusta),(Pimpinella anisum), and eucalyptus. Animal studies have suggested that some of these herbs increase discharge of mucus. However, none have been studied for efficacy in humans.

1 Star
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The active constituents in anise, particularly the terpenoid anethole, give this plant a delightful flavor. As an antispasmodic, it helps in gently relieving spasmodic coughs.

The active constituents in (Pimpinella anisum), particularly the terpenoid anethole, give this plant a delightful flavor. As an antispasmodic, it helps in gently relieving spasmodic coughs.

1 Star
Head Lice (Ylang Ylang)
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A combination of anise, ylang ylang, and coconut oils has been shown to be effective against head lice.
A commercial product (HairClean 1-2-3) containing oils of anise, ylang ylang (Cananga odorata), and coconut, plus isopropyl alcohol, applied once per week for 15 minutes followed by rinsing, shampooing, and combing, was 98% effective, according to a preliminary report of a controlled study.
1 Star
Indigestion, Heartburn, and Low Stomach Acidity
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Anise is a gas-relieving herb that may be helpful in calming an upset stomach.

Carminatives (also called aromatic digestive tonics or aromatic bitters) may be used to relieve symptoms of indigestion, particularly when there is excessive gas. It is believed that carminative agents work, at least in part, by relieving spasms in the intestinal tract.

There are numerous carminative herbs, including European angelica root (Angelica archangelica), , Basil, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, dill, ginger, oregano, rosemary, sage, lavender, and thyme. Many of these are common kitchen herbs and thus are readily available for making tea to calm an upset stomach. Rosemary is sometimes used to treat indigestion in the elderly by European herbal practitioners. The German Commission E monograph suggests a daily intake of 4–6 grams of sage leaf. Pennyroyal is no longer recommended for use in people with indigestion, however, due to potential side effects.

1 Star
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Anise may have modest antiparasitic actions and has been recommended by some practitioners as a treatment for mild intestinal parasite infections.

may have modest antiparasitic actions and has been recommended by some practitioners as a treatment for mild intestinal parasite infections.

Traditional Use (May Not Be Supported by Scientific Studies)

Anise has been an important flavoring in European cooking since time immemorial. Its oil has also been used as an anthelmintic—a drug used to remove intestinal parasites—though it is not considered the strongest plant in this regard.1 Anise has also been used for centuries in European herbalism to treat coughs and indigestion.2

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